Monday 30 January 2023

 Road trip for Luna Bear

Luna Bear and I headed out for a little road trip today to the garden centre. It was fairly quiet so we wandered around the big car park, letting her sniff and observe. 

No food is needed. We often rush to try to make all experiences feel wonderful by shovelling food down them but really, they just need to be able to observe and move on, getting used to sights, sounds and smells.

We sat down at a bench for a few minutes to let her watch all the goings on. You can see her watching someone getting into a car quite intently. No need to speak or reassure - she wasn't over aroused - just curious.

Then back to more sniffing. Even though we have only been here once before, she was far more interested in sniffing and exploring than scanning the environment. Perfect.

Time to practice a little loose lead walking while she explored the car park. No video but I did take a couple of photos.

There were a few loud bangs coming from the building next door to the car park. Luna Bear looked up and then carried on walking. She isn't worried about noises - just curious. Again, no need to shovel food down her throat or keep reassuring her as she took it all in her stride.

Then back to the car for a quick go with the snuffle mat and then back to the kennels. Once again, she was a superstar.

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