Thursday 17 February 2022



The incredible olfactory capability of dogs is used by humans for odour identification and discrimination. They help us in so many ways. The dog’s capacity for odour detection has been reported to be as much as 10,000–100,000 times that of the average human.


Olfaction in dogs is crucial for gathering important information about the environment, recognising individuals, making decisions, and learning. Humans each have a unique innate scent that enables dogs to tell one person from another without even seeing them.


How often do we consider the smells and odours our dogs can detect, especially when we notice a change in our dogs demeanour or behaviour? Dogs have a good scent memory too. How often do we consider the situation from the dog’s olfactory point of view?


Horowitz A (2021) Considering the “Dog” in Dog–Human Interaction Frontiers in Veterinary Science DOI=10.3389/fvets.2021.642821

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