Sunday 12 August 2018

Exercise versus mental stimulation

Thought I would share this brief video of one of my dogs working away in our enrichment room. She does have some arthritis in her hind legs and we are careful to avoid anything that could cause pain - especially any repetitive exercises. 

Just as in the human body, the muscle anatomy of a dog consists of both voluntary and involuntary control. Voluntary muscles are those within the body which can be directly controlled by conscious thought. The decision to chase a ball or jump over an obstacle involves a conscious choice by the dog. However, dogs do not have the sense (like some humans!) to stop when it hurts. They will keep going, even though it feels bad and can cause or make injuries worse. 

Using calm enrichment toys for problem-solving is ideal for mental stimulation for all dogs but especially senior dogs. You will see her muscles moving as she stretches forward to find the treats. Dogs that suffer from stiffness in the rear legs, weak hind leg muscles, arthritis and joint problems and many more can be helped by targeted exercise but please speak with your Vet before undertaking any targeted exercises. 

P.s had to include a view of the beautiful canvas from Greenpeace Boarding kennels in memory of our Tia, who we initially created the room for.

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