"Haven't you fixed her yet?"
DOG BEHAVIOUR CLINIC Relationship centered training for you and your dog, using only kind, fair and reward based methods.
Monday, 28 December 2020
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Why is recall so important for dogs?
We have all been there - walking along with our dog(s) on lead, allowing them to explore and engage with the environment and suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog or two appear, running straight up to our dogs.
Dogs are on lead for various reasons - they may not be comfortable around other dogs, they may have injuries or medical conditions or they may be anxious or even fearful.
We must teach a reliable recall to our dogs so we can call them away and prevent compounding issues for other unsuspecting dogs and their caregivers.
Recall starts at home! We start in a non distracting environment and slowly build up to more and more distracting and busy environments. We teach recall ON harness and lead to begin with. We need to be certain recall will not fail before we let them off lead.
PLEASE take time to teach your dog to come back to you - no matter what. Recall is an essential life skill we must teach our dogs. It helps keep them safe and other dogs safe too.
If you need help with recall, please get in touch with us at contactdogbehaviourclinic@gmail.com
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Preparations for the dreaded F night
· Double check fences, gates, and doors to make sure they are escape proof
· Ensure you use a stairgate if you need to open the front door during
peak times to avoid him bolting out of the door
· Try to walk your dog earlier to avoid walks during expected peak times
· Try to ensure he has a sniffy walk – sniffing is good for their brains
and helps them relax
· Try to ensure your dog has eliminated before expected peak times
· Feed your dog earlier than usual to avoid any expected peak times. Use
enrichment toys or fun games to deliver his food
· Accompany your dog into the garden for toileting, even if he is normally
fine out there alone, in case any loud unexpected bangs happen
· Close curtains, use white noise machines or some of the dog music tracks
now available
· Turn on a tv or radio as well
· Ensure you have set up a cosy, comfortable covered den area, close to
where the family will be
· Ensure there is always access to fresh water – when dogs are anxious,
they pant more frequently
· Use a thunder shirt or TTouch wrap if you dog is happy wearing one
· Plug in Pet Remedy or use the spray on their bedding
· Have chew toys, licky mats or stuffed Kongs ready
Above all, grab yourself a book and try
to stay calm and relaxed yourself – our dogs are tuned into our emotions!
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Thursday, 13 February 2020
Terrier SOS are looking for a Terrier experienced family that has time and patience to continue working with him. He is currently in the Norfolk area so priority will be given to homes in the south east so he can continue to receive back up support. He is a clever little dog, a fast learner and is beginning to enjoy affection and snuggling up to people. He has come such a long way- he just needs the right foster/new home to help him finish his journey.
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Thursday, 30 January 2020
- Excited person arriving
- Washing machine
- Tumble dryer
- Television
- Telephone ringing
- Visitor arriving
- Excited behaviour from me